Generally, only the internal mold of the shell is found as a fossil. Mollusca, Gastropoda ("snails") - The number of snail species exceeds that of all members of the animal kingdom except insects. The ...
sandra standbridge / Getty Images Slugs, Gastropoda, appear early in the growing season to feed on young vegetable plants including zucchini leaves. Irregularly shaped holes in leaves, stems and ...
It has long been suspected that a small pāua (known as abalone, ormers or ear-shells overseas) found around a remote island ...
More information: Kerry Walton et al, Haliotis virginea Gmelin, 1791 and a new abalone from Aotearoa New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Haliotidae), Molluscan Research (2024). DOI: 10.1080 ...
The upcoming Watcher expansion, which adds new places to visit and a new type of slugcat will be coming to Rain World early next year, say the developers.
DeJong RJ, EMERY AM, Adema CM (2004) The mitochondrial genome of Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda:Basommatophora), intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. Journal of Parasitology, 90: 991 - 997.