在去年9月份的Photo Kina 2008上,富士发布新一代Super CCD ... 目前消费机来说已经是完全领先了,在ISO 200以内,画面纯净没有杂质,干净的画面原味 ...
富士GFX100 II具备高达 8 档五轴机身防抖(IBIS)功能,有助于在夜景等弱光条件下手持拍摄,同时该防抖结构还可用于高精度移动图像传感器,利用像素位移多重拍摄功能产生约 4 亿像素的图像。拥有 1.0 倍取景器放大以及 944 ...
Fujifilm has released its first sub-$1,000 camera in a long while and resurrected the 10-year old "M" branding with the $799 ...
据彭博社的古尔曼先生称,苹果公司仍计划在明年推出一款售价约为14142元人民币的低端AppleVision头显。这款产品是较早推出的AppleVisionPro3499美元价格的低价替代品。此前一些报道显示,苹果已经暂停了VisionPro的开 ...
文石推出 Poke6 系列电子书阅读器,墨案发布迷你阅超核版电子书阅读器等 ...
Default mean saturation at the base ISO of 200 was 112.2% (12.2% oversaturated ... but DxOMark does not publish results for Fuji X-Trans sensors, probably because they don't support RAW files ...
Default mean saturation at the base ISO of 200 was 111.9% (11.9% oversaturated ... but DxOMark does not publish results for Fuji X-Trans sensors, probably because they don't support RAW files ...
Unfortunately, the X100VI costs $200 more than the X100V’s starting ... ISO, and more. The Fujifilm menus aren’t the most esoteric in the camera world, but I still wouldn’t call them newb ...
When you buy through links on our articles, Future and its syndication partners may earn a commission. Have you tried the Fujifilm dedicated Fujifilm Film Simulation page yet? The film simulations ...
央视网消息:金秋十月,五谷丰登。当前各地正加快推进秋收、秋种工作,夯实粮食丰收基础。 东北粮食占全国秋粮总产量的三分之一以上。眼下,东北地区秋粮收获已过六成半。向良种要产量。在黑龙江桦川县,当地主推的29个大豆新品种迎来收获,平均亩产超260公斤,与传统品种相比增产两成以上。今年,黑龙江面向全省推广135个主导品种,基本实现主要农作物良种全覆盖。向良法要效益。辽宁玉米迎来丰收,当地今年大力推广“水 ...
10月18日-20日,2024“潮生活 夜城阳”吕家庄夜市焕新第二季暨Mini非遗美食节精彩亮相。这是继2023年推出“潮游大城阳 ...
又是一年金秋送爽时,苹果树上硕果累累,牧场里奶牛膘肥体壮、牛奶飘香,养殖场里鸡群漂亮健康……越来越多懂技术、善经营、会管理的海归青年来到乡村,从“外出逐梦”到“回乡筑梦”。他们在田间地头挥洒汗水,返乡创业带动乡亲增产增收,助力当地产业发展和乡村文化建 ...