在船舶安全检查中,消防安全问题始终是关注的焦点。2024 年上半年(1 - 6 月份),某方便旗船的滞留缺陷排在首位的便是消防安全,占比高达 21%。不仅如此,在 2024 年上半年的常规检查缺陷中,消防安全依旧占据头把交椅,占比为 16%。回顾 2023 年USCG一年的检查滞留缺陷,消防安全同样高居榜首,占比达 30%。
Israel on Tuesday expanded its goals of the military operation in Gaza to include the safe return of northern Israel ...
沙利文访华,是八年来美国总统国家安全事务助理首次访华,无论美方为何种目的,中美加强沟通接触都将为双边关系增添更 ...
郑钦文美网晋级八强,遭外国观众种族歧视辱骂“yellow banana”,她霸气回应“I'll beat you!”。网友赞其女王行为,呼吁观众注意比赛礼仪。以下是外媒报道。 It seems winning the tennis women's ...
Mascot of Chinese netizens fighting for free expression ... of the Grass-Mud Horsein February of that year. The idea caught fire after netizens made a video depicting the grass-mud horse defeating ...