The artwork "Blooming in 'Plastic'" presents a waterfall of flowers on discarded plates, using plastic pieces and newspaper, ...
People view exhibits during the Notre-Dame De Paris Augmented Exhibition at the National Museum of China in Beijing, Sept. 11 ...
A major event took place in Jiangbeizui on September 12, marking the signing, groundbreaking, and commissioning of key projects for the third quarter of 2024 in Jiangbei District and the completion of ...
The 2024 World Manufacturing Convention opened Friday in Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province, highlighting the ...
【本报讯】周四(19/9),印尼环球资源展览会(Global Sources Indonesia)在雅加达会议中心(JCC ...
A dancing figurine is pictured during an exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of the discovery and excavation of the iconic Terracotta Warriors at the Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site ...
【ITBEAR】9月18日消息,中东地区医药市场近年来呈现出强劲的增长势头,吸引了全球众多制药公司的目光。目前,已有超过140家制药企业在该地区开展业务,占据全球医药市场约2%的份额。预计未来几年内,该市场将持续扩大,2025年有望达到600亿美元的 ...
2024CSMF沙特体育设施装备展览会(2024 CSMF Saudi Sports Facilities And Equipment ...
9月18日,第八届湖南艺术节复排传统经典剧目展演剧目祁剧《杨门女将》在湖南大剧院上演。杨家将的故事在我国广泛流传,历年来有不少以此为题材创作的文学作品和戏曲戏剧作品。祁剧《杨门女将》由湖南省祁剧保护传承中心复排演出。剧作讲述了北宋年间,西夏进犯,宋军元帅杨宗保为国捐躯后,年逾百岁的佘太君率领穆桂英等杨 ...
In Hengqin, you'd be amazed by how much can be accomplished in the time it takes to listen to a song. 20 seconds for seamless ...