Ford has filed a patent for technology that can eavesdrop on drivers and passengers to serve them hyper-targeted advertising. The technology would allow the car’s infotainment system to listen ...
Laura is an assistant editor for The Scientist. She earned her PhD in biomedical sciences from Rush University by studying how circadian rhythms and alcohol affect the gut. View full profile. Learn ...
It’s spooky when it happens. And while people have shared anecdotes like this over the past several years, no one has ever really proven that phones eavesdrop on us like that. Phones aren’t ...
Although they appear passive and cosy in the safety of their eggs, developing bird embryos are extremely talented at eavesdropping. Tuning in to the outside noise, including listening to their ...
Source: Bengt Nyman via Wikimedia Commons. A new study of seagull families shows that baby bird embryos eavesdrop on conversations between their parents, from inside the egg. Moreover, researchers ...
The Shiite militia’s leaders learn they’re vulnerable in a war with Israel.
One of Facebook's marketing partners has openly admitted to eavesdropping on users' conversations. You mention buying wireless headphones, and then you start seeing adverts for such products online.
In July, the BBC revealed Health Assured allowed strangers to "eavesdrop" on confidential calls by listening in to the helpline without the knowledge or permission of callers. Health Assured told ...
During this podcast, Lola Consuelos paid Kelly Ripa back for eavesdropping on her as she filmed a project. Lola has been sharing her music on social media and preparing for a big release ...
The Flipper Zero can now eavesdrop on analog walkie-talkie audio, and will play it through its built-in speaker. It can decode 89 different radio protocols with the Sub-GHz app.