Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and collaborators, have published a ...
Gregory-Eaves, Irene Smol, John P. Finney, Bruce P. and Edwards, Mary E. 1999. Diatom-based Transfer Functions for Inferring past Climatic and Environmental Changes ...
We learn that all diatoms without chromatophores are saprophytic. Some have fungi and other algse as parasites, while a dinoflagellate is found on Chaetoceros. There are several symbionts ...
Gregory-Eaves, Irene Smol, John P. Finney, Bruce P. and Edwards, Mary E. 1999. Diatom-based Transfer Functions for Inferring past Climatic and Environmental Changes ...
Cockroaches are pretty amazing creatures. They lead complex social lives, have unique person alities and most species of the ...
Our diatom research is focused on the pursuit of comparative biology: the systematics, evolution and biogeography of freshwater diatoms. The research covers both extinct and extant taxa, and utilises ...
Oku, 52, is thought to be one of only a few diatom artists in the world. Diatoms are so tiny that he has produced about 600 pieces in the past decade. But with his creations gaining newfound ...
Cui developed a tool to analyze genetic mutations in B cells—a type of immune cell that makes antibodies—from healthy ...
These tiny organisms have a special companion. “They have these little photosynthetic algal cells, called diatoms, that live inside the skeleton,” says Wilson. The diatoms take in light and ...
A study led by the School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed an ...
The UK’s spring phytoplankton bloom is normally dominated by diatoms, a group of phytoplankton that come in beautiful shapes.
“We produced a liter of magnetic nanoparticles that facilitated thousands of tests,” Briceño says. It was a tremendously ...