9 The usefulness of these indicators is limited by difficulties in identifying potential and trend output, and, consequently, in distinguishing cyclical and underlying elements of the fiscal deficit.
The Interim Budget surprised many with a sharp fiscal deficit cut, boosting capex and social spending. While critics remained cautious, experts saw a well-balanced counter-cyclical approach.
The cyclical-balancing solution did not ... In the final analysis, the new fiscal policy is based less on deficit budgeting than on budget balancing. When the potential GNP is reached, the ...
Failure to address fiscal sustainability issues runs the risk of more market volatility and higher borrowing costs in years ...
In Econ 101, students are taught that fiscal policy should be counter-cyclical, meaning that when the economy is at full-employment (4% or lower) there shouldn’t be a deficit – perhaps ...
We are all Keynesians now. That was notoriously stressed by US president Richard Nixon in 1971, months before engineering the ...
Both Republicans and Democrats are considering a sovereign wealth fund. It would face many challenges, Rachel Ziemba writes ...
Bund yields have been dragged down too low. Structural drivers suggest a return to 2.8% for the 10Y yield; the time for fixed ...
after this cyclical adjustment, changes in fiscal variables reflect policymakers’ decisions to change tax rates and spending levels. An increase in the CAPB would therefore, in principle, reflect a ...
The fiscal deficit swelled from 2% of GDP in 2010 to ... shows that the Brazilian fiscal policy has been excessively pro-cyclical: Our results confirm Brazil’s pro-cyclical fiscal drive ...
Fiscal conditions are set to deteriorate in G-7 countries on the back of a high demand for more government spending, high ...