One of this year's coveted Lasker Awards has gone to Zhijian "James" Chen, a scientist behind a key immune-system discovery.
相关成果以“高熵非共价环肽玻璃(High-entropy non-covalent cyclic peptide glass)”为题,于2024年8月26日发表于《自然?纳米技术》(Nature Nanotechnology)期刊上 图 高熵非共价环肽玻璃的形成机制 在国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:22025207、22232006、22172172)等资助下 ...
在此,我们表明使用新提出的紧急约束(EC)来约束模型预测,可以在全球范围内将核心干旱指标——最长年度干旱期(LAD)——预测的不确定性降低10%—26%。经EC校正后的预测结果显示,与目前预测的未来作用力情景相比,LAD的平均增幅将高出42%—44% ...
I started using Sugar Defender, a natural supplement for balancing blood sugar and supporting metabolism. It has key ...
一氧化氮(NO)曾普遍被视为一种有毒有害气体,应尽可能远离。然而,后来的科学研究揭示它在生物体内发挥极为重要的生理作用,NO ...
There are many ways to lower stress, but I've found cyclic sighing to be immediately effective for me and my clients ...
The American Gastroenterological Association has outlined updated guidance on the management of cyclic vomiting syndrome.
当进行CV测试时,如果扫描速率过大,则很难观测到峰或者影响峰的位置。 循环伏安测试(Cyclic Voltammetry):从初始电位开始,将按照恒定速率变化的电压施加在测试电极上,采集响应电流的数据,到终止电压后改变电压方向,反向继续以恒定的速率变化 ...
Rising demand for electronic devices and electric vehicles has increased the dependence on secondary ion batteries. While lithium-ion batteries are already popular, a promising alternative sodium-ion ...
NETs含有许多分子能够被免疫细胞的受体识别。例如,巨噬细胞和树突细胞吞噬NETs后,其胞内的cGAS(cyclic GMP-AMP synthase)能够识别NETs中的DNA骨架。另外,细胞表面受体TLR9也能够识别NET-DNA。一些研究也发现,NETs能够激活一些免疫细胞的膜受体,但是其作用机制还 ...
Will Blackmon is a junior working towards a bachelor of science while majoring in electrical engineering at West Texas A&M ...