中秋节是我国四大传统节日之一,而赏月是重要的习俗之一。提到“赏月”,相信不少人会说 watch the moon 或者是 look at the moon。 On Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese people like to ...
Other specialty mooncakes include pork mooncake, bamboo shoot mooncake, and more. Vegetarian mooncakes sold at Fajing Temple ...
宁波诺丁汉大学(简称“宁诺”)首次携手三大研学基地—— 河姆渡遗址博物馆、王阳明故居和宁波帮博物馆 ,以 “穿越古今甬城” 为主题推出二十周年联名款月饼,为宁诺学子带来了一场曼妙的文化盛宴之旅。
中秋,是中华民族的传统佳节,承载着千年的文化底蕴和深厚的情感寄托。古人有古人的过节仪式,今人有今人的时代风貌,但保留下来的传统习俗,仿佛是一道连接古今的无形桥梁。江西新闻客户端推出系列双语漫评短视频,带您感受古今共情的中秋节、传统习俗如何作为“桥梁” ...
甬派君有话说 作为海上丝绸之路的起点城市之一,宁波自古就和世界各地往来密切。在外国档案及文献中,有很多关于宁波人文、历史、风物的记载。
Mooncakes are a staple delicacy on Chinese tables during the Mid-Autumn Festival. In recent years, the traditional mooncakes from Qiaodun Town in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, have gained widespread popularity ...
吃月饼是中秋节最为普遍的传统习俗之一,在中秋这一天,无论人们身处何方,都会尽量品尝月饼的美味,这象征着团圆和美满。 Eating mooncakes is one of the most common traditional customs. On this day, no matter where people are, they will try to taste the ...
The show started off with a vivid cartoon zongzi, or sticky rice dumpling, followed by patterns featuring adrenaline-pumping dragon boat races and flying loongs (or Chinese dragons) to cheer up the ...