。由于家庭条件一般,陈某只能去外地打工挣钱,余某留在了老家,操持着家里的一切。陈某平时不能回家,只能逢年过节才回老家与妻子团聚。没过多久老大出生了,俩人的小家庭开始有了新活力,此后陈某就更加努力工作。没过几年,老二和老三也出生了,一家五口也过着幸福的 ...
Teng Biao, born on August 2, 1973 in Jilin Province, is a human rights lawyer, activist, and former professor who is dedicated to exposing China’s human rights abuses and fighting against its ...
国际原子能机构(原子能机构)今天发布的一份 报告 显示,日本按照目前计划对2011年福岛第一核电站事故后经过去污活动的土壤和放射性废物的再利用和处置方案符合原子能机构“安全标准”。
Davao City Water District has issued a water advisory due to anticipated low water pressure caused by heavy rains. Customers ...
Biao Xiang studied sociology at Beijing University, China, and received his PhD in social anthropology from the University of Oxford, UK. He worked at Oxford from 2004. Xiang is the winner of the 2008 ...
Zhong Biao is a contemporary Chinese Neo-Surrealist painter. Born in Chongqing, China in 1968, Zhong’s work vacillates between the tension of body, object, and landscape. He often paints figures in ...
越南工贸部副部长阮黄龙先生于 9 月 18 日下午在河内与挪威驻越南大使希尔德·索尔巴肯 (Hilde Solbakken) 女士就《公平能源转型伙伴关系》 (JETP) 伙伴小组举行工作会议。
China’s government wants what it calls the “low-altitude economy” — comprising commercial flights below 1,000 meters, in most ...
When we think of music, our minds are often filled with the melodies and harmonies produced by various instruments. One ...
2025年U20亚洲杯预选赛有45支球队参赛,分为5组5队和5组4队。 名列小组第一的10队和名列小组第二且成绩最好的5队与东道主中国队携手晋级决赛。
Dr. Biao Li is an Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at Concordia University. He obtained a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from China University of Geosciences Beijing and a Ph.D. in ...