It usually costs $1,945, but it’s temporarily down to $1,600, saving you $345. Crucially, this is the laptop that when we ...
ALIENWARE自创立以来,始终秉持“为游戏而生”的初心,以创新之力引领电竞游戏终端设备的发展潮流,成为众多玩家心目中的信仰品牌。面对行业的迅速演变和技术更迭的浪潮,戴尔科技始终将“用户需求”放在首位。通过前瞻性的布局和对消费者需求的敏锐洞察,AL ...
吴冬梅谈到:“电子竞技将科技与体育相融合,不仅是年轻人激情与梦想的展现,更是科技与人类创造力的巅峰对话。作为全球最早的PC游戏硬件制造商之一,ALIENWARE始终站在科技的最前沿,以全球顶尖的产品性能和前瞻性的游戏体验设计,赋予每一个玩家勇敢探索、 ...
The Alienware x16 R2 has a very comfortable keyboard equipped with LED lights everywhere. x16 R2 boasts premium build quality with machined aluminum but can get hot during intense usage.
外星人全新x16 R2 AI PC是一款专为游戏玩家设计的高性能电脑。它配备了强大的AMD R9 5900X处理器和NVIDIA GeForce RTX3070Ti显卡,能够轻松应对各种高负载的游戏和图像处理任务。同时,它还拥有高达240Hz的刷新率,可以提供更加流畅的游戏体验。 现在购买外星人全新x16 ...
戴尔吴冬梅:外星人将力推中国电子竞技加速向前发展,吴冬梅,电子竞技,外星人,戴尔,电竞,游戏 ...
And you don't even have to pay through the nose for one! We've been grinding through the listings at all the major retailers ...
ALIENWARE外星人全新x16 R2轻薄高性能本现在京东特价促销,原价26999元的它现在以旧换新补贴价格24594.02元,价格实惠。这款电脑配置了Ultra9 16G内存和1T硬盘,搭载4060显卡和2.5k分辨率显示器,刷新率高达240Hz,性能强劲,满足各类游戏需求。此外,该款笔记本采用16 ...
While not as big a deal, it does also have media keys, so if you like having that sort of quick shortcut, that’s another big positive of Alienware’s mechanical keyboard. A gaming headset is a ...
We've rounded up this week's best Alienware gaming laptop deals into one neat list right here on this page - perfect for our readers looking to save some cash on these serious gaming machines.
This configuration has a lower resolution 1920x1200 16-inch display, though. In our Alienware x16 R2 review, we said it's amazing performance and great customization options make it well worth the ...