To date, COMAC has delivered nine C919 aircraft to three leading Chinese airlines. China Southern and Air China received ...
》杭州空港口岸完成今年首票国际“空空转运”业务 ...
To date, COMAC has delivered nine C919 aircraft to three leading Chinese airlines. China Southern and Air China on Aug. 28 received their first C919 aircraft in Shanghai. China Eastern Airlines, the ...
美国劳工统计局9月11日发布的数据显示,美国8月CPI同比上涨2.5%,与市场预期持平,前值为2.9%;核心CPI同比上涨3.2%,与市场预期持平,前值为3.2%。环比看,美国8月CPI上涨0.2%,市场预期为0.2%,前值为0.2%;核心CPI上涨 ...
越捷航空公司(Vietjet,简称越捷)日前在菲律宾首都马尼拉举行的2024 年世界旅游大奖(WTA)颁奖典礼上荣获了“亚洲领先客户体验航空公司奖”(Asia's Leading Airline for Customer ...
为了满足人民和游客在2025年春节期间的出行需求,越捷航空公司(越捷)开售了260万张机票,飞行时间从2025年1月15日至2025年2月12日(即甲辰年腊月十六至乙巳年正月十五)。 资料图。越捷航空供图 ...
"This route is the latest addition to our growing network of flights between China and Pakistan, including routes from Urumqi to Islamabad, Urumqi to Lahore, Urumqi to Islamabad via Kashgar, and ...
A China Eastern Airlines aircraft from Shanghai to Xinjiang was diverted to Lanzhou on September 5 after a mouse was found on the plane, according to a report by Xinmin Evening News on Wednesday.