The U.S. Navy recently put in a rush order for new counter-drone systems that use laser-guided 70mm rockets as their effectors to help defend American forces in the Middle East. The Electronic ...
Laser-guided Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II (APKWS II) rockets are used as the effector. The CROWS II in this case ...
Poland requested 1,844 AGM-114R2 Hellfire missiles, 460 AGM-179A JAGM, 508 Stinger 92K Block I air-to-air missiles and 7,650 WGU-59/B Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II (APKWS-II ...
and cost-effective laser-guided rockets such as the U.S.-provided advanced precision kill weapon system (APKWS). These operations can also include the use of medium-range air defenses and tactical ...
据悉,乌克兰长期以来一直有意从美国获得这原属于巴基斯坦的12架AH-1Z攻击直升机。早在2022年,乌克兰武装部队总参谋部就向美国发出正式申请,希望通过对外军售项目获得这些攻击直升机,显然是以牺牲美国的军事援助为代价。乌克兰正义运动党议员瓦迪姆·伊夫 ...
Follow our coverage of the war on the @Kyivpost_official. The Slovakian deal also includes the purchase of 26 T-700 GE 401C engines, 1,680 Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) unguided air-to ...