【中信证券:预计美联储年内还有两次25bp降息 市场短期或重回“软着陆”交易】北京时间9月19日凌晨,美国联邦储备委员会结束为期两天的货币政策会议,宣布将联邦基金利率目标区间下调为4.75%至5%,即降息50个基点,这是美联储自2020年以来首次降息。中信证券认为,美联储此次50bp降息是一次提前发力的“预防式”降息,意在维持当前美国经济增长和就业市场的状态,同时保持后续政策灵活性,预计年内还有两 ...
Commodity trading advisors, or CTAs, are expected to sell $47B of U.S. stocks over the next month if the market turns ...
北京时间9月10日凌晨,苹果正式发布了iPhone 16,这是苹果第一款真正意义上的 AI iPhone。Apple ...
The first of the two new airplanes is scheduled for delivery in 2027 with a range of upgrades and efficiency improvements.
Playtika has agreed to acquire SuperPlay, a mobile gaming company in Israel for a price ranging from $700 million to $1.25 ...
Skip More from 5 Live... The 5 Live at 30 Yearbook How 5 Live reported on some of the biggest news and sport stories of the past 30 years. Eleanor Oldroyd: 30 years of "my radio family" Eleanor ...
Vistra (VST) to acquire remaining 15% equity in Vistra Vision for $3.25B in cash, becoming sole owner of subsidiary with ...
而目前刚进入详细设计阶段的C929是波音787-9级别的宽体大飞机,作为领导人出国远程访问的专机是堪用的,但是比起波音747在气势上还是差了一大截。当然考虑到四发机已经进入历史的垃圾时间,在美国新的VC-25B交付之后,下一代总统专机指不定也得回到双 ...
DISTINCT This brand-new duplex, tucked away on a quiet cul-de-sac in Manunda, offers an exceptional blend of modern living and high-quality design, featuring stylish fixtures and fittings ...
我们在上文(第三条)中谈到,罗和浮两座山联合起来是为了镇南海。这并没有脱离刚才提到的洪水侵袭世界的框架观念。文明世界的英雄们为了战胜洪水使用了两种方法:修建河床引导水流向海洋(例如将太华山和首阳山分开),或者安置名山,镇守不稳定的洪水区域(设例:罗浮 ...