It’s likely that many glasses were raised — although not yet legally — to toast the election results of Sept. 12, 1933.
Harold is survived by his wife of 68 years, Janet; two sons William (Christina) and John (Molly) and grand-children, Johanna, ...
After being hijacked in Lee, a Pittsfield bound bus careened through the Berkshires and into New York state in a terrifying ...
Heavy rain flooded the Wyoming Valley taking the lives of two people and trapping five men inside the Truesdale coal mine near Nanticoke on Sept. 17, 1933. A gale storm moved up the eastern coastline ...
1933年他病逝于香港,停尸的是家中的一张行军床,陈家一度窘迫到连为陈炯明置办一口像样的棺材都难以实现,最终还是用陈炯明母亲预备好的棺材下葬,因为家中无钱下葬,陈炯明的灵柩一度存放于香港东华义庄, ...
在市场信心的显著表现下,Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO)股价达到了历史新高,触及1933.89美元的价格水平。这一里程碑凸显了该公司(以其数据分析和信用评分服务而闻名)的显著增长期。过去一年,FICO的股票价值大幅上涨,一年变化率高达110.24%,反映了投资者对公司业绩和未来前景的强烈乐观情绪。这一历史新高的达成是FICO强劲财务健康状况和成功执行战略举措的重要指标。
9月20日, 横店东磁 ( 11.470, -0.15, -1.29%) 盘中下跌2.07%,截至09:50,报11.36元/股,成交1933.96万元,换手率0.10%,总市值184.79亿元。
Richard D. Nofziger, age 91 years, of Wauseon, passed away early Friday morning, September 20, 2024 at Fulton Manor in ...
Black laborers working in Beaver County were deported during the night to West Virginia. Historians say such events were ...