"扫雷"游戏简单的设计,加上利用逻辑推理来避免触雷,都是最完美的消磨时间的游戏。1990 年,这款游戏被收录到《Microsoft Entertainment Pack 1》的游戏 ...
”At the mine, my colleagues went on strike in support.“ ”I was also told that tomorrow I may be received by the Secretary of Mining,” Moya hoped. (Source: Página 12) ...
每天从联合国广场前经过,总是不自觉地朝广场上的标志性“建筑”--断腿长椅--望上一眼,不论刮风下雪,每次都能看到许多游人以它为背景拍照 ...
英国《每日电讯报》旅游版记者哈契曼(Jonathan Hatchman)日前汇整近2年旅游经歷,提出10种最常见的餐饮陷阱,盼助关注美味的大眾下回出门远游 ...
When workers at the mine went on a 44-day strike in 2017 -- the longest in Chile's mining history -- BHP lost $740 million, contributing to a 1.3 percent decline in the country's GDP. ps/sms/md ...
H&M因去年宣布不再采用新疆棉花,近日遭到中国官方的抨击和抵制。其实“拒绝新疆棉花”的倡议源于澳洲。 BEIJING, CHINA - MARCH 25: A newspaper with a ...
BHP secures a new deal with the union at Chile's Escondida mine, ending a brief strike. The agreement averts a potential crisis in copper production, maintaining stability in the global market.
宣讲会上,7位榜样人物讲述了自己参与国防建设、将青春奉献给国防事业的感人事迹。战斗英雄王曙光虽然在作战中触雷受伤,但仍克服伤残坚持为国服役;中国人民警察大学学生扎西顿珠实现了“长大后我就成了你”的警察梦;全国岗位学雷锋标兵李峰威坚持 ...
Peru's Antamina copper mine had to halt operations Sunday due to a strike by a rural community that decided to block one of the roads through which output is carried. “We believe that there are ...