All belong to the Arcidae family. The blood clams are round and fan-shaped and can be distinguished by the presence of fur on ...
如今在市场上很少看到血蚶了,因此光听这个名字可能很多人不知道它是啥,尤其是大山里出来的朋友,更是不知道它长啥样 ...
双壳类中的很多种类如蚶科(Arcidae)、扇贝科(Pectinidae)、贻贝科(Mytilidae)、珍珠贝科(Pteriidae)、牡蛎科(Ostreidae)、蛤蜊科(Mactridae)、帘蛤科 (Veneridae)、蚌科(Unionidae)、竹蛏科 ...
揭阳人喜欢把近海捕捞的小海鲜,趁着新鲜直接生吃,或是开水烫一下断生食用,“一沸而起,甘鲜脆美”,如虾生、氽血蚶等。在日常生活中,揭阳人讲究食材新鲜,像海鲜要吃生猛(鲜活 ...
四:宁德泡血蚶 烹饪血蚶,是一门讲究火候的艺术,需以迅雷不及掩耳之势进行爆炒,只为锁住那一抹来自深海的鲜红与鲜甜。搭配特制的酱汁,轻轻送入口中,血蚶的鲜美与酱汁的醇厚相互 ...
Abstract Fishes from the coastal basins of the Mid-Northeastern Caatinga ecoregion (MNCE) were first sampled by the Stanford expedition at the beginning of the 20th century, and published by Edwin C.
ABSTRACT This study provides a comprehensive checklist of Odonata species from the protected area of Mananciais da Serra. The survey was conducted in the endangered Atlantic Forest domain at the ...