BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) — Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed cultivating more loyal, upright, responsible and high-caliber cadres ...
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is briefly named Xin, with Urumqi as its provincial seat. Xinjiang is situated in the northwest of China and in the center of Eurasian continents. Xinjiang is an ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and he is a member of the Xinjiang regional training base for ...
据英国《金融时报》 (Financial Times)星期四 (9月19日)报道,大众汽车 (Volkswagen)委托对其在中国新疆的合资工厂进行的审计未能达到这家德国汽车制造商审计师为该流程设定的国际标准的关键部分。
Un legislador del Reino Unido intenta resaltar los problemas creados sobre “trabajos forzados” en la región autónoma china Uigur de Xinjiang, reiterando su petición de un mayor escrutinio de la posibl ...
中国拥有幅员辽阔的土地、丰富多样的地理景观。在这片广袤的土地上,许多自然景区尚未被大规模开发,保持着原始的自然风貌。这些隐藏在山脉深处的未开发景区,如同大自然的珍宝,等待着探险者的到来。本文将带您探寻中国十大未开发的自然景区,感受大自然的纯粹与神秘。 China, with its vast territory and diverse geographical landscapes, is hom ...
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China has made remarkable strides in energy development over the past 75 years, deepening its ...
Subhinur Mutalip was born in Hotan City, China's Xinjiang. The 32-year-old Zumba instructor runs her gym in her hometown, where more and more local women are finding joy and rediscovering themselves ...
根据《事业单位人事管理条例》(国务院令第652号)、《自治区事业单位面向社会公开招聘工作人员办法》(新人社发〔2013〕141号)等有关规定,受各招聘单位委托,自治区人力资源和社会保障厅组织实施2024年下半年面向社会公开招聘事业单位工作人员分类考试笔试工作,本次公开招聘共计3450个岗位4592人。现将有关事项公告如下: ...