UBS Chairman Colm Kelleher warned on Sunday that the Swiss government's plans to strengthen capital requirements for big ...
Italy's Treasury said on Friday it had picked UBS Europe SE and White & Case Europe LLP as financial and legal advisers for ...
UBS Group AG Chairman Colm Kelleher said he had underestimated the negative public response to Chief Executive Officer Sergio ...
UBS Chair Colm Kelleher warned on Sunday that the Swiss government's plans to strengthen capital requirements for big banks ...
周四,UBS重申了对美光科技(NASDAQ:MU)的积极立场,维持买入评级,目标价为135.00美元。这家半导体公司最近的财务业绩和指引超出了许多投资者的预期。考虑到当前投资者普遍持悲观情绪,其中一些人认为行业周期可能已经达到顶峰,美光的表现尤为引人 ...
The latest poll from the brokerage giant finds the economy is the top issue for affluent investors as well as business owners ...
公告显示,林忠耀于2018年7月4日至2020年10月30日期间受聘于UBS AG。彼时他为《证券及期货条例》下第1类(证券交易)受规管活动的有关人士;目前其并非持牌人士。
UBS is in talks to form an Indian wealth management joint venture with Mumbai-based 360 One WAM, two sources with direct ...
UBS重申了对财捷集团股票的中性立场,维持对这家纳斯达克上市公司(NASDAQ:INTU)的目标价为655.00美元。在财捷集团投资者日之后,该公司提供了关于财捷集团新产品机会和上市(GTM)策略的见解。虽然此次活动展示了财捷集团的创新能力,如财捷集 ...
证交所日前应邀参加瑞银证券主办的「UBS Taiwan Summit 2024」,与来自全球的机构投资人交流,讨论台湾资本市场的最新发展趋势。证交所市场推广部组长刘天业在演讲中表示,受益于全球AI热潮,台湾资本市场在2024年的 ...
格隆汇9月26日丨根据联交所最新权益披露资料显示,2024年9月19日,中国平安(02318.HK)获UBS Group AG在场内以每股均价37.2191港元增持好仓316.94万股,涉资约1.18亿港元。 增持后,UBS Group ...