Google正在更新近 80 ...
Updated Street View images from around the world will now be available in Earth and Maps, enabling users to see far-away ...
Google has announced a suite of new features designed to transform how we experience the world through its Earth and Maps ...
People can explore 1930s San Francisco or Paris in the 1980s thanks to a massive new update to Google Earth. This update brings historical imagery to the app, a new interface, and Google Street View ...
Google is rolling out some exciting updates to Earth and Maps that are set to make exploring the world even cooler.
Google is updating Street View imagery in nearly 80 countries, such as Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Japan, the Philippines, ...
一名加拿大男子惊讶的发现,他在 Google 地图上发现的神秘洞穴,可能是由古代陨石撞击形成的巨大陨石坑。 Joël Lapointe 原本正在查看魁北克省 Côte-Nord 地区的地点,准备规划一次露营之旅,结果无意中发现了一个“奇怪的坑洞”。 通过 Google 地图,他估算这个陨石坑的直径大约有 15 公里。 但坑洞的弧线形状让他觉得有些不寻常。 Lapointe 还发现,附近的 Mars ...
If you’ve ever wanted to see what your city looked like in the past, Google Earth’s new historical imagery has you covered.
“铺砌”是数学领域的一个已得到充分探索的概念。长期以来,数学家们一直在研究什么样的几何形状可以通过组合而无缝隙地铺满表面。解决这类问题的典型思路,是使用具有拐角的平面形状。然而,这样的形状在自然界中并不常见。现在,在一项于近期发表在PNAS ...
Google enhances Maps and Earth with sharper satellite images, using Cloud Score+ to improve clarity and accuracy.
Since the advent of geobrowser Google Earth, a number of strange and mysterious things around the globe are visible.
Google X 正是基于这一价值观创立,旨在开发和推出能改善数百万甚至数十亿人生活的技术。这家实验室创立的所有项目都被统称为“登月计划(Moonshot)”, 象征着和登月计划一样,瞄准一个看起来不可能的目标而努力。