The company continues to allege it has no ties to the Chinese military and has lost government contracts due to US sanctions.
Drone-maker DJI filed a lawsuit Friday against the US Department of Defense over its inclusion on a DoD list of “Chinese ...
DJI, the world's largest drone manufacturer that sells more than half of all U.S. commercial drones, asked a U.S. District ...
It also alleges that the DoD would not offer the company any explanation for its designation as a “Chinese Military Company” ...
Chinese drone maker DJI filed a lawsuit to challenge the US Department of Defense on Saturday, seeking to be removed from the ...
The lawsuit reflects how the company is going on the offensive as it faces a congressional push to ban DJI’s drones from use ...
SZ DJI Technology Co. said it has sued the US Department of Defense for adding the Shenzhen-based drone maker to a list that ...
(2024年10月15日,深圳)大疆正式发布全新双摄旗舰旅拍无人机DJI Air 3S,搭载多项先进技术,尽显日夜风光。Air 3S 配备一英寸主相机和70mm ...
根据海外知名爆料人士 Jasper Ellens | X27(@JasperEllens)在 X 上的爆料,10 月 15 日即将推出的大疆 DJI Air 3S 无人机将配备 DJI RC Track ...
DJI大疆去年推出了Air 3无人机,采用双镜头设计以提升拍摄质量和灵活性,并且使用了全新的电池设计,将续航时间延长至46分钟,受到了许多航拍爱好者的喜爱。而今日DJI刚刚预告将在10月15日晚上9点发布新的无人机产品,预计将会是Air ...
总部位于中国的无人机制造商DJI已对美国国防部提起法律诉讼,原因是该公司被列入据称与中国军方有关联的公司名单。DJI认为这一分类是错误的,并声称因此遭受了巨大的经济损失。 DJI于周五提起诉讼,质疑五角大楼将其列入暗示该公司与中国军方合作的名单的决定。DJI坚称这一指定是一个错误,并对其业务产生了负面影响。 国防部尚未就这起诉讼或DJI的指控发表公开声明。DJI提到的经济影响在现有信息中并未量化。
近日,无人机行业的知名品牌大疆发布了最新款的旅拍无人机DJI Air 3S。目前该款产品已上线京东,其中标准单电套装(普通遥控器,含DJI Air 3S、DJI RC-N3遥控器和1个智能飞行电池)售价6988元;畅飞三电套装(普通遥控器,含DJI ...