The Army has authorized a new badge for soldiers who have earned both the Combat Infantryman Badge and Expert Infantryman ...
The service also awards expert badges to medics and the expert soldier badge to non-infantry soldiers. The Army plans to ...
Soldiers will get a new mountaineering badge, but it won't be the Ram’s Head Device, which is only authorized for the Vermont ...
Sgt. Maj. Eric Bassile, of the Army’s Policy Integrated Division, said the idea behind the Master Combat Badge was to create ...
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael R. Weimer announce that a new Master Combat Badge is being rolled out for combat veterans who ...
在第二次世界大戰中,他曾為美國軍隊的第29步兵師的機槍手。他曾獲頒二個銅星獎章(Bronze Star medals)、作戰步兵徽章(Combat Infantry Badge),法國格賀十字(French Croix de Guerre)。 1946年離開軍隊後,亞納爾·加布里埃爾考進伊薩卡學院(Ithaca 羅納德·史比爾(英 ...
转入现役并参加了伊拉克战争。在战争期间,他作为第101空降师的一名中尉在伊拉克各地共指挥运输车队75次,获得了战斗行动徽章(英語:Combat Action Badge)。次年,布兰德斯结束了在伊拉克战场的服役回到美国,继续从事房地产工作。2004年至2010年间,他曾 ...