《寂静岭:townfall》曾于2022年公布预告片,由科乐美、Annapurna以及曾制作《未曾讲述过的故事》和《观察者号》的No Code工作室合作开发。游戏在过去两年一度杳无音讯,直到今天早上Annapurna官推才发表声明说:“对玩家们的担忧感到抱歉,游戏仍在合力开发中。” ...
During a conversation with Devolver Digital's COO Graeme Struthers, we asked about the challenging games industry environment and his thoughts on the Annapurna Interactive situation. He told us: ...
【ITBEAR】备受瞩目的《寂静岭》系列新作《寂静岭 Townfall》今日传出新动态,其开发商Annapurna Interactive确认游戏将继续推进开发进程。
Annapurna Interactive has moved to reassure fans concerned over the future of Silent Hill: Townfall after a significant ...
A clash between executives prompted all of the employees of Annapurna Interactive to quit, leaving the technology heiress ...
Annapurna felt the need to release an update regarding "Silent Hill: Townfall" because of the recent issues at the company.
上周,Annapurna Interactive的全体员工突然宣布集体辞职,其中也包括《银翼杀手2033:迷宫》的整个开发团队。根据IGN的最新报道,尽管开发团队已全部离职,Annapurna仍然承诺将继续开发这款备受期待的游戏。
A new report from Bloomberg details what led to the entire Annapurna Interactive team quitting earlier this month, check out ...
文/二弦导语不同独立游戏的发行商有属于自己的别样气质,这应该是一个比较普遍的认知。好比说,提起视觉冲击、强调动作性的独立游戏,玩家们会想到Devolver ...
The publisher's sudden implosion left many questions unanswered, but former employees are beginning to come forward with ...