1. | ~ sth 毁坏;破坏;糟蹋to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc.; to spoil sth |
The bad weather ruined our trip. 天气恶劣,破坏了我们的旅行。 | |
That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job. 正是那个错误断送了他得到那份工作的机会。 | |
My new shoes got ruined in the mud. 我的新鞋被泥浆给糟蹋了。 |
2. | ~ sb/sth 使破产(或失去地位等);毁灭to make sb/sth lose all their money, their position, etc. |
If she loses the court case it will ruin her. 如果败诉,她就完了。 | |
The country was ruined by the war. 这个国家因战争而遭到严重破坏。 |
1. | [u] 毁坏;破坏;毁灭the state or process of being destroyed or severely damaged |
A large number of churches fell into ruin after the revolution. 革命过后,许多教堂都毁了。 |
2. | [u] 破产;一无所有;失去工作(或地位等)the fact of having no money, of having lost your job, position, etc. |
The divorce ultimately led to his ruin. 离婚最终使得他一贫如洗。 | |
The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin . 银行的介入使这家公司免于破产。 |
3. | [sing] 破产(或丢掉工作等)的根源;祸根something that causes a person, company, etc. to lose all their money, job, position, etc. |
Gambling was his ruin. 赌博毁了他。 |
4. | [c] 残垣断壁;废墟the parts of a building that remain after it has been destroyed or severely damaged |
The old mill is now little more than a ruin. 老磨坊现在只剩下一点儿残垣断壁了。 | |
We visited the ruins of a Norman castle. 我们参观了一座诺曼式城堡的遗迹。 | |
He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins of his career. 他决心从事业失败中爬起来,重新开始新的生活。 |
Years of fighting have left the area in ruins. 经年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。 | |
The scandal left his reputation in ruins. 这件丑闻使他身败名裂。 |
Years of fighting have left the area in ruins. 经年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。 | |
The scandal left his reputation in ruins. 这件丑闻使他身败名裂。 |