1. | [i][t] (液体或气体)环流,循环when a liquid, gas, or aircirculates oris circulated , it moves continuously around a place or system |
The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely. 这种病会阻碍血液的畅通循环。 | |
Cooled air is circulated throughout the building. 冷气在整座大楼循环。 |
2. | [i][t] ~ (sth) 传播;流传;散布if a story, an idea, information, etc.circulates or if youcirculate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another |
Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems. 有关他财务问题的谣言开始流传开来。 |
3. | [t] ~ sth (to sb) 传送;传递;传阅to send goods or information to all the people in a group |
The document will be circulated to all members. 这份文件将在所有成员间传阅。 |
4. | [i] (尤指在聚会上)往来应酬,周旋to move around a group, especially at a party, talking to different people |