1. | [u] 领导;领导地位the state or position of being a leader |
a leadership contest 领导地位的角逐 | |
The party thrived under his leadership . 该党在他的领导下壮大起来。 |
2. | [u] 领导才能;领导应有的品质the ability to be a leader or the qualities a good leader should have |
leadership qualities/skills 领导的素质╱技巧 | |
Strong leadership is needed to captain the team. 担任这个队的队长需要强有力的领导才能。 |
3. | [cspv] 领导班子;领导层a group of leaders of a particular organization, etc. |
The party leadership is/are divided. 这个党的领导阶层意见不合。 |